Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cataclysm Update

Chung Fu’s March 2011 reading tells of progress in world affairs such as the uprisings of the Libyans, Tunisians, Egyptians and others. The protest of these peoples is challenging the reptilian New World Order that abuses their populations and currently holds precedence in the United States. 
Alternatively, beneficent forces are engaged here in America and operate under cover in political circles. Ordinary people in Wisconsin and Arizona are awakening some of their own Libyan spirit. The shift away from greed, absolute power and dictatorship is underway--and gaining momentum.
The cataclysm, so long anticipated in spiritually enlightened circles, is already underway, not as a world-wide event such as a pole shifting, but incrementally in the form of the tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and typhoons we are now experiencing. More are on the way, as our earth begins to restore itself from the damage we have wrought.
Pilgrims on the path of spiritual evolution are gaining strength and the ability to make a difference, by visualizing a state or other entity and sending healing forces there. It cannot hurt and there’s good indication that the United States will overcome these reptilian forces within ten to fifteen years.

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Our Troll

Our Troll

By David Giles

Silhouetted against a hazy moonlit sky one night, I saw a troll; not a dwarf Danish or Swedish troll but rather a giant Norwegian forest troll. Ugly to be sure--as trolls are supposed to be--but not fearsome at all. It peered down benevolently from its height of some 135 feet. My wife and I consider it a guardian spirit. Some observer friends see a troll, others merely an ordinary Ponderosa pine. Several see an eye like a full moon facing north. Only one person has felt unease in its presence, possibly her subconscious mind at work, wrecking her spiritual education. We’ve tendered it a gift today, placing a chunk of amethyst at its feet.